Special Correspondent,
Globalnewz, Kolkata,India
24’Oct’23, Tuesday
The Internet is a worldwide network of media in which many of us want to be distinguished and extremely special in every step, the Internet is actually a sacred network of ourselves like a room, and the willingness to be part of such a community is really something that forces us all to be in one place. The purpose of the Internet is to connect all the people around us and to actually understand that we are never alone in what we do. The Internet is good and beautiful for those people who actually want to build themselves, and readiness for the Internet today means more than ever. The Internet is a good thing for all of us people who want to build themselves as individuals, but we must know that the Internet is strange if we get too stuck in it.
The Internet revolution is actually a wonderful thing and phenomenon for all of us, because we have to understand that this is our future today. We have to take into account that we use the Internet for educational purposes. We should be aware that the Internet around us can be corrupt, but we as people must actually understand that the Internet revolution in this modern age is something that moves us all. The essence of the Internet is that we enjoy it and look forward to it every day. We can leave the facts aside and talk about a lot of history, but do we think it is necessary now? I think not. We have to be aware that the Internet is a part of us and a part of our existence, and we need to bring ourselves to the top through the internet revolution. This means that we need to understand the concept of the Internet as it develops and in what way we can act with it.
The Internet is a good thing and very powerful if we can create some good things. We are people, connected by various networks. We forget about each other more and more, which is very bad. Now we only see the family through the screen and that is a very bad thing, as none of us deserve it. We should devote more time to each other, to actually find out some good and clear things on the Internet. Because it is too late for us people and individuals when we realize that there is no room with the Internet and that in the end we feel some clear consequences. Excessive use of the Internet creates a simple addiction that is difficult to treat. We should and should be aware that the Internet is sometimes not as good as it seems to us and that we must do everything in our power to save ourselves from this problem.
The first symptoms of excessive use of any social network are numbness of the hands or carpal tunnel syndrome. With the internet revolution, we need to understand as people that once upon a time, the internet was not as popular as it is now. Because the world is moving forward, and people need to move forward with it. Simply by excessive use of the Internet, we actually put ourselves in danger, and we must understand that nothing else can be clearer than our health. In addition to carpal tunnel syndrome, the consequences of excessive Internet use include vision problems and blurriness when looking at other things, the inability to read small letters and looking into the distance. All this harms us and our health, which we have to solve as soon as possible, if possible by going to the doctor. Obesity also occurs in young and old people if they sit for a long time at a laptop or computer, and excessive use of the Internet puts us in unpleasant psychological situations.
The mental state of using the Internet is mostly reflected in the segmentation that we can no longer distinguish between what is true and what is fake. We simply need to take some things in our own way and never be under pressure. By using the internet, we actually put ourselves in unpleasant situations, but the best protection against any internet is actually cyber security. Cyber security actually means freedom of speech, freedom and clarity of thoughts and ideas, and simplicity and creative solutions that will help us live in a harmonious and better world. As people, we just have a tendency to live life monotonously and not realize that there are various scams circulating on the Internet that we often fall for. With the Internet revolution, we can actually say that the age of some new strange age has come where people are scheming for large amounts of money and are actually ready to do anything just to stay in one piece, which is very bad. The Internet revolution is no longer what it once was, because the impossibility to create some good and clear things is slowly falling into the water. The Internet is becoming a breeding ground for infections and sick people and challenges that people have to do just so they can be happy and achieve some of their goals and direction in their lives. The Internet is also a dangerous thing for all of us, because the revolution brings our personal data and the ways we use our social networks and what we give now and what we used to give a few years ago. Paying close attention is reflected in reading the privacy policy, because the vast majority cannot read it all the way to the end, and there is a lot of great information that is very necessary in order to find out something about what we are giving the Internet on a plate.
The Internet is actually a good place for all of us if we know how to use it. No one is safe on the Internet anymore, because new times are coming where people realize that they can get quick information in some quick ways, but with that comes a certain risk that we all carry in life, unfortunately. It is up to us how we will decide and in what way we will bring some new things and new events into our lives. Although time is very slow today, we have to realize and understand how the Internet is growing because its revolution will never stop as long as humanity lives. And that’s a good thing to some extent, because that’s how we tell others around us that what we’re doing is instructive, even though it’s not. Social distraction kills everything in us and eventually leads to problems with ourselves. There is no way we can understand the world around us, which can’t wait to embrace us and give us some good and useful advice. We have to take care, first of all, how we use the Internet, but also how much we actually use it.
We should be aware that every day that we are on the Internet is full of viruses and various strange names that are generally known to us, but of which only a word remains. The Internet can be a safe place if we do not create hatred and violence towards others around us and if we fight in our own way to create some good and better things around us. We have to understand that life between four walls should not be an option but only a subject of good behavior and good situations in life where it will bring us something positive in life. The Internet has become a lot full of violence today, but with proper channeling, we can create some better and fairer options for all of us. The Internet is a place of growth if we know who and how we devote it, and who has access to Internet data. In the past, the internet was not for everyone today, as hackers also do their work. Some message from all this is that the Internet can be a beautiful thing if it is used in a way to educate and educate ourselves, and less to watch some famous personalities that can only fill our heads. And the Internet has always been and will be full of new events that we have to respond to in our own unique way.
The Internet needs to be a place of good behavior and good things, where we will tell other generations that they should stay there, that they should not do bad things, but that they should actually take into account, especially the young generation, who is their role model and what they are doing. because usually they have never been a role model for anyone and never will be. Although the revolution of the Internet used to be when children played lastis, now they play games via mobile phones. Where conversation used to change everything, now only hatred towards people and forgetting others around us changes. The Internet is sometimes a friend and sometimes it is not, and it only depends on us how we will position ourselves and what we want to present to our Internet, which can only send one message; you are never alone even when you think you are.
About the writer:-
Maid Corbic from Tuzla, 23 years old. In his spare time he writes poetry that repeatedly
praised as well as rewarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and he ismoderator of the World Literature Forum WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for humanity and peace in the world.