The biography and the poems have been translated into Bosnian from English by Cvija Peranovic Kojic from Austria.
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Md Ejaj Ahamed is a bilingual poet, writer, journalist, teacher, an editor and a peace ambassador. He was born on 26 February 1990 in a remote village called Mahendrapur in Aurangabad of Murshidabad district, West Bengal, India. His parents are Md Samsuddin Biswas and Matiyara Bibi. His Educational Qualifications are English Honours, triple MA, B.Ed, D. El. Ed. He has been teaching for 12 years. From an early age, he was able to cope with his family’s financial difficulties and continue study, writing. During his college days, his Bengali-English poems and essays were published in the college magazine ‘Ayon’ every year. His Bengali-English poetry, essays have been published in various magazines, journals, news papers and joint poetry books. His research article ‘Discovery and the Golden Peak of Improvement’ has been published in an International Journal Called RJELAL and his another research article ‘Exploring New Trends and Innovations in English Language and Literature’ has been published in an international standard book. His poems have been translated into Turkish, Arabic, Korean, Chinese, Italian, Albanian, Tajik, Polish, Hindi, Russian.His published Bengali books are ‘Swopno Tori'(Dream Boat), Bangla Sahitya o cinemaya Goyenda Charitra (Detective Characters in Bengali Literature and Cinema), ‘Maner Pandulipi'(Manuscript of Mind), ‘Hrid-Canvas'(Heart-Canvas) and ‘Antarer Kabyakatha'(The Poetry of Heart), ‘Paranta Sandhya’ (Fall Evening), ‘Selected Bengali Poems for Humanity & Peace’. He has made ‘Ejajan Poem’ and ‘Science Poem’. He is the chief editor of Swapner Vela Sahitya patrika (The Raft of Dreams Literary Magazine). He was a member of the editorial board of ‘International Sahitya Subarna’ magazine, now he is a member of the advisory committee. He is the North Bengal editor of ‘The Quadri Times’ news paper, an admin of Puspaprovat news and finance secretary of ‘Joy Bangla Sahitya Parisad’ of Bangladesh. He is the president of Murshidabad district of Mother Teresa Foundation. He has edited a collection of Bengali poems by poets from India and Bangladesh, ‘Kabitar Akash'( The Sky of Poetry) and ‘Kabitar Aranya'(The Forest of Poetry), ‘Kabitar Sagar’ (The Sea of Poetry). He also works as a journalist for various newspapers. He has gotten many awards and honorary doctorates from various organisations. He got honour from the SAARC Human Rights Foundation.
He has received ‘Ambassador of peace’ of WLFPH, ‘Global Ambassador’ of International Literacy Study Group (Bangladesh ) Member of Global Ambassadors of Sustainability and Certified Sustainability Officer (Dubai), Member of International Peace Ambassadors Academy (Egypt), Ambassador- ‘Iqra Foundation’ (Jerusalem), Member of Peace of ‘International Academy for Peace and Human Rights’ (Egypt), Member- ‘Feather and Extender Humanity Academy’ Europe and Turkey Branch, Member- Global Friends Club, Ambassador for World Peace- Foundation Maria Gladys. He is also a moderator of ‘London Poets Club’ (England).
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Murshidabad, Zapadni Bengal, Indija
Md Ejaj Ahamed je dvojezični pjesnik, pisac, novinar, učitelj, urednik i ambasador mira. Rođen je 26. februara 1990. u udaljenom selu Mahendrapur u Aurangabadu u okrugu Murshidabad, Zapadni Bengal, Indija. Njegovi roditelji su dr. Samsuddin Biswas i Matiyara Bibi. Njegove obrazovne kvalifikacije su engleski honours, trostruki MA, B.Ed, D. El. Ed. Predaje već 12 godina. Od malih nogu je mogao da se nosi sa finansijskim poteškoćama svoje porodice i nastavi da uči, piše. Tokom njegovih studentskih dana, njegove bengalsko-engleske pjesme i eseji objavljivani su u fakultetskom časopisu ‘Ayon’ svake godine. Njegova bengalsko-engleska poezija, eseji objavljeni su u raznim časopisima, časopisima, novinama i zajedničkim knjigama poezije. Njegov istraživački članak “Otkriće i zlatni vrh poboljšanja” objavljen je u međunarodnom časopisu pod nazivom RJELAL, a drugi istraživački članak “Istraživanje novih trendova i inovacija u engleskom jeziku i književnosti” objavljen je u međunarodnoj standardnoj knjizi. Njegove pesme su prevođene na turski, arapski, korejski, kineski, italijanski, albanski, tadžički, poljski, hindi, ruski. Njegove objavljene knjige na bengalskom jeziku su ‘Swopno Tori’ (Brod snova), Bangla Sahitya o cinemaya Goyenda Charitra (Detektivski likovi u Bengalska književnost i kinematografija), ‘Maner Pandulipi’ (Rukopis uma), ‘Hrid-Canvas’ (Srce-platno) i ‘Antarer Kabyakatha’ (Poezija srca), ‘Paranta Sandhya’ (Jesenje veče), ‘Odabrani bengalski Pjesme za humanost i mir’. Napravio je ‘Ejajan Poemu’ i ‘Science Poem’. Glavni je urednik književnog časopisa Swapner Vela Sahitya patrika (Splav snova). Bio je član uredničkog odbora časopisa ‘International Sahitya Subarna’, sada je član savjetodavnog odbora. On je urednik novina iz Sjevernog Bengala ‘The Quadri Times’, administrator vijesti Puspaprovat i sekretar za finansije ‘Joy Bangla Sahitya Parisad’ iz Bangladeša. On je predsjednik okruga Murshidabad Fondacije Majke Tereze. Uredio je zbirku bengalskih pjesama pjesnika iz Indije i Bangladeša, ‘Kabitar Akash’ (Nebo poezije) i ‘Kabitar Aranya’ (Šuma poezije), ‘Kabitar Sagar’ (More poezije). Radi i kao novinar za razne novine. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada i počasnih doktorata raznih organizacija. Dobio je priznanje od SAARC fondacije za ljudska prava.
Primio je ‘Ambasadora mira’ WLFPH, ‘Globalnog ambasadora’ Međunarodne grupe za proučavanje pismenosti (Bangladeš), člana Globalnih ambasadora održivosti i certificiranog službenika za održivost (Dubai), člana Međunarodne akademije ambasadora mira (Egipat), ambasadora-‘ Fondacija Iqra’ (Jerusalem), član ‘Međunarodne akademije za mir i ljudska prava’ (Egipat), član – ‘Feather and Extender Humanity Academy’ ogranak za Evropu i Tursku, član Globalnog kluba prijatelja, ambasador Svjetske fondacije za mir Maria Gladys. Takođe je moderator ‘London Poets Club’ (Engleska).
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
The earth has been suffering from throe today.
His body is afflicted with various ailments;
People’s minds are also sick today;
Sectarianism, exploitation, tyranny is reigning
In the realm of the human mind;
They are running on the paths of the mind speedily,
Is conquering from one country to another country effortlessly;
The soldiers of harmony, of humanity have been weakened;
Can’t stop them.
I believe the soldiers of harmony, humanity
Will soon be strong again;
In their body-mind will do photosynthesis of humanity-harmony;
Blocking their way will defeat them.
How many superpowers have emerged over the ages
But according to the rules of time they have fallen;
The DNA of history bears witness.
Bringing the panacea time will heal all;
The nephrons of time will purge and purify them.
The earth will be filled with humanity’s and harmony’s fragrance.
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Murshidabad, Zapadni Bengal, Indija
Zemlja danas pati od muke.
Njegovo tijelo je pogođeno raznim bolestima;
I umovi ljudi danas su bolesni;
Vladaju sektaštvo, eksploatacija, tiranija
U carstvu ljudskog uma;
Oni trče stazama uma brzo,
Osvaja iz jedne zemlje u drugu zemlju bez napora;
Oslabljeni su vojnici harmonije, ljudskosti;
Ne mogu ih zaustaviti.
Vjerujem u vojnike harmonije, humanosti
Uskoro će ponovo biti jak;
U njihovom tjelesnom umu će izvršiti fotosintezu čovječanstva-harmonije;
Blokiranje njihovog puta će ih poraziti.
Koliko se supersila pojavilo tokom vekova
Ali prema pravilima vremena oni su pali;
DNK istorije svedoči.
Donošenje panaceje vrijeme će izliječiti sve;
Nefroni vremena će ih očistiti i pročistiti.
Zemlja će biti ispunjena mirisom čovečanstva i harmonije.
How Beautiful The World Would Be
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Path is walking in the Sky
Cloud-boys and girls are going to the horizon line
Crossing the borderline undisturbedly with a smile
Seated borderline indifferently
Is looking with curious eyes
Is also looking at the birds in surprise
They are also flying from one country to another country
They are going easily with own minds
I am standing on the border
Many are standing on both sides
Lowering the eyes from the sky the barbed wire railing
winked at us
Then the memories were gathering in the depths of our minds
And painting on the canvas of the mind
Free goings and comings of sweet memories
Of the fenceless world were running
On the eyes and mouth of wire-fence
A sky-cloud of depression fell
I and he looked at each other with a chestful sadness
on our lips’ corners
I thought if these fences weren’t there
How nice it would be
How beautiful the world would be
Kako bi svijet bio lijep
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Murshidabad, Zapadni Bengal, Indija
Staza je hodanje po nebu
Dečaci i devojke iz oblaka idu do linije horizonta
Prelazak granice neometano sa osmehom
Sjedi na granici ravnodušno
Gleda radoznalim očima
Takođe iznenađeno gleda u ptice
Oni takođe lete iz jedne zemlje u drugu
Lako idu sa sopstvenim umovima
Stojim na granici
Mnogi stoje sa obe strane
Spuštajući oči s neba ograda od bodljikave žice
namignuo nam
Tada su se sjećanja skupljala u dubini naših umova
I slikanje na platnu uma
Slobodni odlasci i dolasci slatkih uspomena
Iz svijeta bez ograda su trčali
Na očima i ustima žičana ograda
Pao je oblak depresije
Ja i on smo se pogledali sa grudom tuge
na uglovima naših usana
Mislio sam da ove ograde ne postoje
Kako bi to bilo lijepo
Kako bi svijet bio lijep
A Gaza Infant
Md Ejaj Ahamed
I am a Gaza Infant,
I am orphan,
War took away and killed my parents,
It is not a war, it is an injustice,
The whole Palestine has been suffering from unjust outrage
For a long time.
I am a Gaza Infant,
I am orphan.
How much my parents fondled me!
They had dreams about me,
They wanted to make me an ideal human.
How happy were the golden days
Spent with my parents!
We had a beautiful house, beautiful trees in the courtyard.
I am a Gaza Infant,
I am orphan,
I had parents’ sheltering roof over my head like the ozone layer,
Dreamy days peeped in the heaven of my head,
Now all are destroyed,
The city has also been destroyed,
Now I am looking
At the blue sky with tears in my eyes.
Novorođenče iz Gaze
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Ja sam novorođenče iz Gaze,
ja sam siroče,
Rat mi je oduzeo i ubio roditelje,
To nije rat, to je nepravda,
Cijela Palestina pati od nepravednog gnjeva
Za dugo vremena.
Ja sam novorođenče iz Gaze,
Ja sam siroče.
Koliko su me roditelji mazili!
Sanjali su o meni,
Hteli su da me učine idealnim čovekom.
Kako su sretni bili zlatni dani
Proveo sam sa roditeljima!
Imali smo lijepu kuću, prekrasno drveće u dvorištu.
Ja sam novorođenče iz Gaze,
ja sam siroče,
Imao sam roditeljski krov nad glavom kao ozonski omotač,
Sanjivi dani virili su u nebo moje glave,
Sada su svi uništeni,
Grad je takođe uništen,
Sada tražim
Na plavom nebu sa suzama u očima.
Poem – The Earth’s Prayer
Md Ejaj Ahamed
The earth has been suffering from the disease called war for ages,
The earth gazes at the mankind with helplessness,
She is crying with agony,
She prays to Almighty
To recover and forgiving her sons
To transform into ideal animals, Ideal humans;
She prays to the Creator to scatter
The perfume of harmony among humans’ geography;
She prays to the Merciful Master of the universe
For showering of peace in the country
Of human mind;
She prays to the Savior to protect her from war
And to sow the seeds of swear
In the fields of gene and the minds of humankind
Not to fight.
Pesma – Molitva Zemlje
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Zemlja je vekovima patila od bolesti zvane rat,
Zemlja nemoćno gleda u čovečanstvo,
Ona plače od muke,
Ona se moli Svemogućem
Da se oporavi i oprosti svojim sinovima
Preobraziti se u idealne životinje, Idealne ljude;
Ona se moli Stvoritelju da se rasprši
Miris harmonije među ljudskom geografijom;
Ona se moli Milostivom Gospodaru univerzuma
Za tuširanje mira u zemlji
Ljudskog uma;
Ona se moli Spasitelju da je zaštiti od rata
I posijati sjeme psovke
U poljima gena i umova čovečanstva
Ne boriti se.
The Refugee
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
With the burden of dreams on his head
The refugees are going ahead,
History is looking back
And floating in his memory-pot
Their numerous helpless live-pictures,
They dreamed in their own country
To build a nest of felicity,
Even were in peace, like a storm war came suddenly
And took away the lives of many,
Made destitute many,
On the way made many beggars,
Their futures were beaten like a thief;
Their wishes, hopes, dreams were shattered like glass;
Nevertheless like ants on the line to survive a little bit
Are walking towards the barbed wire railing
And on the chest of the earth are writing the miserable life-history.
If you stumble and fall on the road, you have to stand up promptly;
That’s what they’re trying to do with bloody existence;
In the barbed-wire, in the water-border they are being beaten
As if they have no place on this blue planet,
As if they have no state.
The Refugee
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Murshidabad, Zapadni Bengal, Indija
Sa teretom snova na glavi
Izbjeglice idu naprijed,
Istorija gleda unazad
I lebdi u njegovom loncu za sećanje
Njihove brojne bespomoćne slike uživo,
Sanjali su u svojoj zemlji
Da izgradim gnijezdo sreće,
Čak i bili u miru, kao da je olujni rat došao iznenada
I oduzeo živote mnogima,
Oskudijeo mnoge,
Na putu su mnogi prosjaci,
Njihova budućnost je pretučena kao lopov;
Njihove želje, nade, snovi bili su razbijeni kao staklo;
Ipak kao mravi na liniji da malo prežive
Hodaju prema ogradi od bodljikave žice
A na grudima zemlje pišu jadnu životnu istoriju.
Ako se spotaknete i padnete na cestu, morate odmah ustati;
To je ono što oni pokušavaju da urade sa prokletim postojanjem;
U bodljikavoj žici, u vodenoj granici ih tuku
Kao da im nije mesto na ovoj plavoj planeti,
Kao da nemaju državu.
The World
Md Ejaj Ahamed
The world has become weapons’ factory;
The sound of arms is echoing in the sky, in the air;
War war games are going on in the world
The smell of gunpowder is floating everywhere;
The arms race is going on,
Weapons are being experimented;
Human life has no value;
killing is becoming undiscriminated,
As if the weak ones have no survival value;
Some people don’t want peace, they want war because
In war their business increases, money comes,
In peace money does not come;
Behind the mask
Economic and political motives are covert;
The race for dominance is global;
The tickle of religion is a false lantern (Fanus), is flying across the heaven;
Around the world the weathers of capitalism are prevailed,
They are being turned into the climate becoming progressively condensed.
Md Ejaj Ahamed
Svijet je postao fabrika oružja;
Zvuk oružja odzvanja na nebu, u vazduhu;
U svijetu se vode ratne ratne igre
Miris baruta svuda lebdi;
Trka u naoružanju je u toku,
Oružje se eksperimentira;
Ljudski život nema vrijednost;
ubijanje postaje nediskriminirano,
Kao da oni slabi nemaju vrednost za preživljavanje;
Neki ljudi ne žele mir, oni žele rat jer
U ratu njihov posao raste, novac dolazi,
U miru novac ne dolazi;
Iza maske
Ekonomski i politički motivi su prikriveni;
Trka za dominacijom je globalna;
Golicanje religije je lažni fenjer (Fanus), leti preko neba;
Širom svijeta vladaju vremena kapitalizma,
Oni se pretvaraju u klimu koja se progresivno zgušnjava.
The biography and these poems have been translated into Bosnian from English by Cvija Peranovic Kojic from BiH/Austria