Special Correspondent,
Global Newz, Kolkata, India,
Thursday,2nd Nov’2023
I once achieved my dreams of having everything I dreamed of having, and that is my sense of meaning and the sense of love that I shared with everyone around me. I spent quality time with others around me, but I was never able to share my dreams with everyone around me. There was still hope that I could build my own path and that every day I could build everything that I dreamed and wanted, and that was the meaning of my life. I still only know that my dreams can come true if I present myself in the most beautiful spheres of life and that, regardless of everything, I will just be who I am. Because the soul of my soul is still what I dreamed and wanted, and that is when I still have a part of myself in me.
And the stars and dreams that I longed for and wished for have come true today, because regardless of everything, I still have what I wanted, which is to be just an ordinary person who will definitely share everything around me, the meaning of life and the meaning of a new existence. I just know that regardless of everything, I still have myself. I finally have what I dreamed of, and that is that regardless of everything, my love can still offer special and beautiful things more than ever before.
My dream is to be all that I am and to have a part of my soul exactly where it is needed and to share it with everyone. The dream of being a pilot is still an open possibility to fly in the sky, and I reached the heights when I started creating and that star never went out. And I look forward to having many people around me, but also to being someone who has always been an optimist.
About The Author:
Maid Corbic from Tuzla, 23 years old. In his spare time he writes poetry that repeatedly praised as well as rewarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and he is moderator of the World Literature Forum WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for humanity and peace in the world.